Armstrong's carrier portal is now powered by TriumphPay.
You will automatically be redirected to their site to view your invoices and payments.
Click here if your are not redirected within 30 seconds
Carrier Lookup
ATTENTION: Your payments are on hold due to the lack of a W9 on file.
Please submit a W9 to to release the payment hold or call 877-240-1181 for more information.
Load Info
- {{message}}
This load is awaiting approval by the Armstrong agent who managed the load before it can be processed for payment. Please contact the agent below directly if you have questions.
{{PaymentStatus.Origin}} ({{PaymentStatus.Pickup}})
to{{PaymentStatus.Destination}} ({{PaymentStatus.Dropoff}})
Payment Due: {{PaymentStatus.BalanceDue | currency}}
Paperwork Received:
- Invoice Received ({{PaymentStatus.ProcessedDate}})
- Bill of Lading
- Rate Confirmation
Invoiced Date: {{PaymentStatus.InvoicedDate}}
Processed Date: {{PaymentStatus.ProcessedDate}}
Estimated Payment Date: {{PaymentStatus.EstimatedCheckDate}}
Payment Number: {{PaymentStatus.CheckNumber}}
Account Info
Payment notifications and other relevant correspondence will be sent to the following email address:
Update Email
The mailing address we have on file is:
{{PaymentStatus.Carrier.MailingCity}}, {{PaymentStatus.Carrier.MailingState}} {{PaymentStatus.Carrier.MailingZip}}
The physical address we have on file is:
{{PaymentStatus.Carrier.PhysicalCity}}, {{PaymentStatus.Carrier.PhysicalState}} {{PaymentStatus.Carrier.PhysicalZip}}
ACH Info
The ACH information we have on file is:
Routing Number: {{PaymentStatus.Carrier.ACHRouting}}
Account Number: {{PaymentStatus.Carrier.ACHAccount}}
If any of this information is incorrect, please email with your MC or DOT number and the updated information.
Current Contact Details
Email Settings